Sunday, October 6, 2013

Red Carpet + Halloweenie Social

soo hai
yesterday night we had the first social of the year, which was the red carpet + halloween themed social
it was organized by the prem stuco, with pam as the head
all in all it was a pretty successful event and i had great fun
so yeah of course there would be a ton of pictures;
and a one minute video of the atmosphere there
enjoy xx

sally sabrina pat

cool guys


sabrina pema sally

peter and pat
i seriously believe that peter's hair is effing amazing like ok you should see it in reality then you'd agree eheh

andy sabrina earn 

with my 8th grade bro, casper :3

everyone looks so niceee

tenzin and dusara

heheh :3

andy be pimpin'

crazy kids 

pema jigme tashi

jigme tashi sabrina

gal and manikar

duh hellouu

p pam :D

andy bam sabrina

alfred sabrina

grade 10s

yushi sabrina

krissie so pretty heree

ekna sabrina rigpi

dusara christina sabrina alice

them 12 graders looking amazingg 

izaak and alice naaaw :3

sabrina and olyyyy

sabrina and chriss

stefan and deki <333

sabrina and fook


ssexy ladies

sabrina rigpi selden alice sarah pran

#yay #lights 

why do i have to look so bad here goddammit hahaha
smart - sabrina

junior and park - djs for the night

the music was too good


james and sallyyy

earn and paew :3

bhutanese dudes with dd in the middle

dedee and gabrielle

dedee and mikayla

ahm tatie and smart

jigme tashi pema sally



pema ahm jigme sabrina tatie

acho kazi and pemaa

sang suu eheh

tashi and pema

not sure what mon is doing here ......

hahahaha crap i look bad
but eh tashi - sabrina

another sucky one but haaai park

annd here's the video :)

overall it was tiring and hot but it was really fun hahaha
dammit i didn't get to take a picture with ian, he was 007 for the night with a tux and everything

props to joelle and manikar for having the hottest moves <3

danced with michael, casper, smart and tashi in some of the random slow songs but considering how bad of a dancer i am i kept on stepping on their feet hahahahahaha awh i suck

looking forward to the next social definitely xx

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