Thursday, December 26, 2013

Balloon Festival

hi haha 
a few weeks back boarders were allowed to go to the balloon festival held at the golf course an hour away from school. i didn't intend on going at all until steve literally forced me to get changed and go on the van with him hahaha. so yeah i ended up going there with him, tang and even. haha chinese bros. thankfully i went though, it was so nice and everything, i had so much fun. tang brought his dslr so i didn't bring mine, managed to get all the pictures from him haha kudos to tang everybody.
here ya go;


even tang steve

haha hi



this was still earlier a bit in the day, the actual balloons came up at night

these niggas spent at least an hour going around in this thingymajig. so hilarious to watch i couldn't stop laughing. its kinda like a zorb ball? just smaller i guess. 

ian and jj

my favourite balloon of the night haha the duck


there was also a concert band playing there and damn were they good

these three niggas 

steve's process of taking a profile picture

1. fix the hair

2. check the reflection

3. check the reflection some more 

4. and smilee hahaha

we had really good food at the place, there were hotels selling food at stalls eg. le meridien and dhara dhevi so obviously we all went crazy hahaha. tang especially he literally bought all the food.

at one point we were at this stall, le meridien maybe if i'm not wrong and we were gonna buy hotdogs hahaha. anyway the chef selling the food came up to us and he was like hello would you like our package of four pints of beer and four hamburgers? only 500 baht! all of us were like aaaaaaa what hahahahahaha. i mean like sure tang and even were seventeen (not exactly legal lol) but we were more surprised that he thought we were that old. of course we declined and walked away trying not to laugh haha. imagine the four of us tipsy = not a very good idea.


this was when they had the opening ceremony and released some of the smaller balloons,
steve suddenly screamed SABRINA STOP AND SMILE hahahaha i was like ok whut but then afterwards i was like damn nigga this picture is so nice!

simon dedee sabrina serena

in the evening they started filling up the bigger balloons

couldn't resist not taking a picture of the moon

mine and steve's glowsticks lol i bought like fifty

there was really loud music playing and shows going on

we left shortly after the fifth or sixth balloon put up tho

heheh i look forward to next year's :)
see ya 

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